Computational Thinking PO2

This computational thinking activity is designed to get students to build a resource for others to use.  In this case design and build a thermometer that has a scale that can be read and a moveable gauge.  This moveable gauge moves to random points on the scale for students to read off.  The program then quizzes the students about the temperature value and provides feedback.  The principles learned in this exercise has many other potential computational thinking learning ideas spin-offs, such as telling the time, spelling and maths games etc.

If your students need some additional help with this challenge you can see a more structured resource here: Thermometer scaffold

If you want to see a working model of the project click on this link:  Thermometer, please do not share this link with your students as that would defeat the object of this challenge!

If you have not used Scratch before then the following video tutorial may help you to become a little more confident with its learning potential. Scratch Tutorial

If you want to use Tynker to do this project and you are not a confident user of Tynker then these tutorials may be of use to you.  The lessons illustrated here also apply to the blocks in Scratch and as such will work on Scratch too.

Introduction to Tynker

Loops, conditionals and variables – Part 1

Loops, conditionals and variables – Part 2

To use this resource, simply make a copy of this resource and rename it so that you become the owner of it then adapt it to meet the learning needs/intentions of your students/planning.  If you want us to make more of this kind of resource please contact us at and we will make more resources to share with you, related to your need.