Computational Thinking PO3/4
This activity is a CT PO3/PO4 activity. The support materials are designed to show the students how to set up their Makey Makey and to build simple switches, but there is no support for the coding required to solve this challenge, merely hints at the categories of blocks that could be used for a successful outcome. This activity could be adapted to use the BBC Micro:Bit, using the same type of switches or an Arduino with IR “light gates” as sensors to calculate the time differential. In later posts I will share resources to enable Micro:bits or Arduinos to be used for the same problem.
For teachers who want to see an example of the code for this challenge, then you can see it here: How Fast? However, this link should not be shared with your students as it would defeat the purpose!
To use this resource, simply make a copy of this resource and rename it so that you become the owner of it then adapt it to meet the learning needs/intentions of your students/planning. If you want us to make more of this kind of resource please contact us at and we will make more resources to share with you, related to your need.